Company name:
KTR Systems GmbH
Mechanical engineering
Company size:
1,100 employees

Initial situation

When it comes to the digitalization of companies, far too often only business models and customer focus are discussed. But IT is the foundation of this transformation. In order to meet the increased demands for flexibility, agility and speed, the IT in companies must therefore also change. This requires a good understanding of how applications and technologies relate to processes, business models and organizations and how they can be developed in a mutually dependent manner. Thus, IT migration becomes a central topic of business development, which includes both data and software migration.

Only those who have the necessary transparency and maintain an overview will be able to digitalize or migrate efficiently and quickly. Every company faces this challenge - no matter how large or small it is. This is why KTR, as a medium-sized mechanical engineering company (SME), also introduced a Business Navigation Tool in order to keep the overview in the rapidly accelerated digitalisation of business processes.


  • Concerns about the difficult course of such a complex migration project had to be dispelled in advance to increase acceptance.
  • Capacity bottlenecks: Many of the people involved are too involved in day-to-day business.
  • The as-is analysis was difficult because of unclear and contradictory documentation.

using LUY

Achieved results

  • Complete documentation of the company-wide system landscape
  • Sustained high data quality
  • Complexity was significantly reduced
  • Project participants and decision makers are now directly involved
  • High acceptance throughout the company
  • Faster project implementation than previously expected
  • Clear assignment of responsibilities for checking data quality
  • Up-to-date data basis improves the quality of audits and cooperation with authorities
  • Instead of Excel wallpapers now configurable & filterable visualizations at the push of a button
  • Development of a maturity model

Side effects

  • Easier training of new employees by simplifying complexity
  • Significantly higher degree of integration across all levels
  • Transparency in processes, interfaces & systems
  • Valuable side-effect: Surprising and valuable insights are constantly emerging

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