LUY Business Navigation is collaborative navigation tool for small and medium-sized companies (SMUs) and for large groups. More than 120 companies across industries use it. Thanks to its easy handling, LUY effectively fosters collaboration among all divisions of your company, allowing you to tap undetected potential and harness the cutting edge in digitization innovation.

Simply lease your LUY franchise and get started. With LUY you can activate any number of users with no limitations regarding data volume.

Sound decision-making with LUY Business Navigation

Keep tabs on your company's goals and all the pertinent parameters at all times. Use LUY Business Navigation to create a variety of visualizations and reports both for yourself and to make available to your colleagues on your company's landing page. You can customize your landing page to meet the needs of specific roles and people. Bundle all scenarios, relevant information, and reports so you always have a shared basis for decision-making built on consistent and up-to-date data.

Because data need to be topical at any given time, they are updated in your company's systems using individualized and partially automated data integration (REST-API). Update commands and direct surveys ensure regular and convenient data optimization.

LUY Business Navigation helps you make the right decisions clearly, quickly, and securely so, for example, you can expedite projects in a target-oriented manner.

360 degrees in agile times!

Simplify your life!

Transparency, user-friendliness, bird's eye view, informative visualizations, easy illustration of correlations … get it all with one click.

LUY offers a variety of demand-oriented views of shared data. During meetings you can create graphics effortlessly and interactively to support your communications:

  • freely selectable needs-based depth of data and details,
  • adjustable to your corporate design for better recognition and acceptance.

Break open silos - collaboration is the solution!

Together you are strong!

Each of your units has a different set of perspectives, databases, and economic targets. With LUY Business Navigation you hold the reins jointly. The link between business and IT provides the foundation for optimal collaboration among all your company's divisions, sites, and/or branches so no one is left out.

Subscribe to reports or distribute them among your team members conveniently to facilitate intense and effective collaboration. Upon request, all persons involved will be informed about changes automatically so they can act in a timely manner. LUY Business Navigation enables you to dovetail your entire business smoothly - at every level, at any time, from every perspective, and across units and departments.

Targeted analysis fosters optimization

Use LUY Business Navigation to define your individual IT elements and details. LUY highlights the potential for optimization and the risks so you can close any gaps quickly and advance your company purposefully and effectively - stage by stage.

Our flexible feature system helps you define your own KPIs for measuring progress. The Gantt diagram allows you to control chronological correlations among your divisions over the course of the operational implementation and to keep your eyes on the target at all times.

Effortless integration of your current tools and systems!

Be it Excel or ERP, Active Directory or Wiki, BPMN or BI tools, or any other software tools, LUY connects your system landscape and outlines interrelations in a straightforward manner.

You have all the relevant information at hand at all times with guaranteed up-to-date reconciliation of all your data. LUY compares and links imported and exported data. LUY also can create new data autonomously based on your calculations.

Export views of your data from LUY in PDF, JPEG, PNG, SVG, Visio, or Excel and integrate them into other tools of your choice.

Have we piqued your interest?

Ready to see LUY in action?

Fill out our demo request form and our team will contact you to arrange a personal demo.